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Boinc sur le cluster OPI’One


Description du projet :

utiliser le cluster OPI’One pour créer une Crunch’Box BOINC !

Une Crunch’Box BOINC ? C’est quoi ?

C’est un ensemble de serveur utilisé pour le projet de calcul reparti BOINC comme le célèbre SETI@home.

Les étapes d’installation

installation de boinc-client et de l’interface d’administration boinctui

pi@master:~$ sudo apt-get install boinc-client boinctui

commandes de l’interface boinccmd

pi@master:~$ boinccmd --help

usage: boinccmd [--host hostname] [--passwd passwd] [--unix_domain] command

default hostname: localhost
default password: contents of gui_rpc_auth.cfg
 --client_version                   show client version
 --create_account URL email passwd name
 --file_transfer URL filename op    file transfer operation
   op = retry | abort
 --get_daily_xfer_history           show network traffic history
 --get_disk_usage                   show disk usage
 --get_file_transfers               show file transfers
 --get_message_count                show largest message seqno
 --get_messages [ seqno ]           show messages > seqno
 --get_notices [ seqno ]            show notices > seqno
 --get_project_config URL
 --get_project_status               show status of all attached projects
 --get_simple_gui_info              show status of projects and active tasks
 --get_state                        show entire state
 --get_tasks                        show tasks
 --get_old_tasks                    show reported tasks from last 24 hours
 --join_acct_mgr URL name passwd    attach account manager
 --lookup_account URL email passwd
 --network_available                retry deferred network communication
 --project URL op                   project operation
   op = reset | detach | update | suspend | resume | nomorework | allowmorework | detach_when_done | dont_detach_when_done
 --project_attach URL auth          attach to project
 --quit                             tell client to exit
 --quit_acct_mgr                    quit current account manager
 --set_gpu_mode mode duration       set GPU run mode for given duration
   mode = always | auto | never
 --set_host_info product_name
 --set_network_mode mode duration   set network mode for given duration
   mode = always | auto | never
 --set_run_mode mode duration       set run mode for given duration
   mode = always | auto | never
 --task url task_name op            task operation
   op = suspend | resume | abort

autoriser la connection d’un client distant:

pi@master:~$ sudo nano /etc/boinc-client/cc_config.xml 
<!-- This is a minimal configuration file cc_config.xml of the BOINC core client. 
For a complete list of all available options and logging flags and their 
meaning see: https://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/client_configuration 

configurer un mot de passe :

pi@master:~$ sudo nano /etc/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg

indiquer les ip autorisées à se connecter :

pi@master:$ sudo nano /etc/boinc-client/remote_hosts.cfg
# This file contains a list of hostnames or IP addresses (one per line)
# of remote hosts, that are allowed to connect and to control the local
# BOINC core client via GUI RPCs.
# Lines beginning with a # or a ; are treated like comments and will be
# ignored.

ajouter le projet Seti a Boinc :

pi@master:~$ sudo boinccmd --project_attach http://setiathome.berkeley.edu {authenticator key}

forcer la mise à jour de Boinc :

pi@master:~$ boinccmd --passwd orangepi --project setiathome.berkeley.edu/ update

afficher les statistiques des projets et taches en cours

$ boinccmd --get_simple_gui_info
======== Projects ========
1) -----------
   name: SETI@home
   master URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/
   user_name: Adonfff
   resource share: 100.000000
   user_total_credit: 14199.380066
   user_expavg_credit: 848.490316
   host_total_credit: 2651.012676
   host_expavg_credit: 160.545155
   nrpc_failures: 0
   master_fetch_failures: 0
   master fetch pending: no
   scheduler RPC pending: no
   trickle upload pending: no
   attached via Account Manager: no
   ended: no
   suspended via GUI: no
   don't request more work: no
   disk usage: 0.000000
   last RPC: Thu Apr 27 15:41:35 2017

   project files downloaded: 0.000000
   name: Message boards
   description: Correspond with other users on the SETI@home message boards
   URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_index.php
   name: Help
   description: Ask questions and report problems
   URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_help_desk.php
   name: Account
   description: View your account information
   URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/home.php
   name: Preferences
   description: View and modify your computing preferences
   URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/prefs.php?subset=global
   name: Tasks
   description: View your recent tasks
   URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/results.php?userid=10478969
   name: Computers
   description: View a list of the computers on which you are running SETI@Home
   URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/hosts_user.php?userid=10478969
   name: Donate
   description: Donate to SETI@home
   URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/sah_donate.php
   jobs succeeded: 20
   jobs failed: 0
   elapsed time: 1960448.987307
   cross-project ID: 85002d5c60a912f463f46f98692916dc

======== Tasks ========
1) -----------
   name: 05jl08ad.21652.2526.7.34.59_1
   WU name: 05jl08ad.21652.2526.7.34.59
   project URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/
   report deadline: Sun Jun 18 12:51:50 2017
   ready to report: no
   got server ack: no
   final CPU time: 0.000000
   state: downloaded
   scheduler state: scheduled
   exit_status: 0
   signal: 0
   suspended via GUI: no
   active_task_state: EXECUTING
   app version num: 806
   checkpoint CPU time: 77772.900000
   current CPU time: 77812.870000
   fraction done: 0.700786
   swap size: 38 MB
   working set size: 36 MB
   estimated CPU time remaining: 30801.499335
2) -----------
   name: 03mr08ad.20116.18886.16.43.51.vlar_1
   WU name: 03mr08ad.20116.18886.16.43.51.vlar
   project URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/
   report deadline: Sun Jun 18 23:16:59 2017
   ready to report: no
   got server ack: no
   final CPU time: 0.000000
   state: downloaded
   scheduler state: scheduled
   exit_status: 0
   signal: 0
   suspended via GUI: no
   active_task_state: EXECUTING
   app version num: 806
   checkpoint CPU time: 76881.220000
   current CPU time: 76922.940000
   fraction done: 0.696117
   swap size: 37 MB
   working set size: 35 MB
   estimated CPU time remaining: 31337.366405
3) -----------
   name: 09oc08ae.4239.24203.16.43.227_0
   WU name: 09oc08ae.4239.24203.16.43.227
   project URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/
   report deadline: Mon Jun 19 05:34:41 2017
   ready to report: no
   got server ack: no
   final CPU time: 0.000000
   state: downloaded
   scheduler state: scheduled
   exit_status: 0
   signal: 0
   suspended via GUI: no
   active_task_state: EXECUTING
   app version num: 806
   checkpoint CPU time: 11598.040000
   current CPU time: 11616.860000
   fraction done: 0.095199
   swap size: 38 MB
   working set size: 35 MB
   estimated CPU time remaining: 92453.607959


root@master:~# cat remaintask.sh 
echo Time remain before BOINC complete next task :
echo master: `boinccmd --get_simple_gui_info | grep remain | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d. -f1 | head -n1`s.
echo slave1: `boinccmd --host slave1 --passwd orangepi --get_simple_gui_info | grep remain | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d. -f1 | head -n1`s.
echo slave2: `boinccmd --host slave2 --passwd orangepi --get_simple_gui_info | grep remain | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d. -f1 | head -n1`s.

root@master:~# cat setiupdate.sh 
boinccmd --passwd orangepi --project setiathome.berkeley.edu/ update
boinccmd --host slave1 --passwd orangepi --project setiathome.berkeley.edu/ update
boinccmd --host slave2 --passwd orangepi --project setiathome.berkeley.edu/ update

iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 31511 -j DNAT --to
root@master:~# iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d --dport 31416 -j ACCEPT
root@master:~# iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 31512 -j DNAT --to
root@master:~# iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d --dport 31416 -j ACCEPT
root@master:~# iptables-save > /etc/iptables_rules.save


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